Table 1.
Biophysical simulation parameters
Parameter | Value |
Rm | 10 kΩcm2 |
Ra | 200 Ωcm |
Cm | 1.0 μF/cm2 |
Vrest | −70 mV |
Compartments | 615 |
Somatic Na,DR | 0.20, 0.12 S/cm2 |
Dendritic Na,DR | 0.05, 0.03 S/cm2 |
Input frequency | 0–100 Hz |
AMPA | 0.105–1.15 nS |
τAMPA (on, off) | 0.5 msec, 3 msec |
NMDA | 0.105–1.15 nS |
τNMDA (on, off) | 0.5 msec, 50 msec |
Esyn | 0 mV |
Details of HH channel implementation are given elsewhere (Mel, 1993); original HH channel implementation adapted from Bernander et al. (1991). So that local EPSP size was held approximately constant across the dendritic arbor, peak synaptic conductance at dendritic locationx was approximately scaled to the local input resistance (inversely), given by syn (x) = c/R̃in (x), wherec was a constant, and R̃in(x) = max (Rin (x), 200mΩ). Input resistance Rin(x) was measured for a passive cell. Thussyn was identical for all dendritic sites with input resistance below 200 mΩ and was given by the larger conductance value shown; roughly 50% of the tree fell within a factor of 2 of this value. Peak conductances at the finest distal tips were smaller by roughly a factor of 10 (smaller number shown). Somatic input resistance was near 24 mΩ. Both AMPA- and NMDA-type synaptic conductances were modeled using the kinetic scheme of Destexhe et al. (1994); synaptic activation and inactivation time constants are shown for each. NMODL files used in the NEURON simulations are available for public download at