Domain II, a potentially novelcis-regulatory element, interacts with nuclear protein(s) in a cell-specific manner. A, 22 bp oligonucleotide containing the domain II sequence formed a complex (CII) with nuclear extracts (20 μg) from BE(2)C or CATH.a cells but not from HeLa or C6 cells, indicating that domain II interacts with nuclear proteins in a cell-specific manner.B, CII is a sequence-specific complex. Twenty micrograms of SK-BE(2)C nuclear extracts were incubated with the radiolabeled domain II oligonucleotide. We used 40-fold (lanes 2,4, 6) or 400-fold (lanes 3, 5, 7) molar excesses of indicated cold oligonucleotides for competition. CII was competed by domain II cold oligonucleotide but not by its mutant form (IIm) or Sp1 sequence.