Afferent activity of the gastric vagal nerve responds to intravenous administration of IL-1β (2 μg/kg).A and B show sample recordings from individual rats injected with vehicle/IL-1 or indomethacin/IL-1, respectively. C summarizes the responses from 19 rats. The ordinate indicates the magnitude of the response (>1 min), which is expressed as the percentage of the preadministration control value (taken 1 min immediately before injection of IL-1β or vehicle). The abscissa shows time in minutes in which 0 indicates the onset of injection. Circles show the data from vehicle/IL-1β-injected rats (n = 5), andtriangles show the data from indomethacin/IL-1β-injected rats (n = 5). Eachpoint and vertical bar indicate the mean ± SEM. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01, comparing the vehicle/IL-1β-injected with the vehicle/vehicle-injected groups. a,p < 0.05; b, p < 0.01, comparing the indomethacin/IL-1β with the vehicle/IL-1β groups.