Image of a case of terminal sprouting in a soleus muscle 3 d after partial denervation. After partial denervation, SCs proliferate at innervated endplates, especially those connected to denervated endplates by SC bridges. A, SCs labeled with anti-S-100 antibodies; B, mitotic cells labeled with antibodies to BrdU; preterminal axon and nerve terminal are labeled with anti-neurofilament and anti-synaptophysin antibodies.C, Nuclei labeled with DAPI. The muscle was also labeled with Cy5-conjugated bungarotoxin (data not shown), allowing identification of denervated endplates. Note that the innervated endplate (a) is connectedby a terminal sprout (b) and the associated SC bridge to an endplate that was denervated (c), resulting in its reinnervation. A TSC located at the innervated endplate is labeled with BrdU (arrowheads). Scale bar, 10 μm.