Fig. 5.
Injected fAβ induces a larger and more-sustained gliosis compared with that seen with injected sAβ or vehicle alone.A, The number of OX-42-immunoreactive microglia, quantified in 0.06 mm2 grids centered on fAβ (open circles), sAβ (closed triangles), or vehicle (open squares) needle tracks, is similar at 1 and 7 d after injection but is significantly increased in the fAβ injection area relative to the sAβ and vehicle injection areas at 14 and 30 d after injection. Note that at 1 d after injection, the number of microglia in the fAβ, sAβ, or vehicle injection area does not differ significantly from the number of microglia present in a comparable area of normal striatum.B, Astrogliosis, measured by computing the total intensity of GFAP immunofluorescence in 0.06 mm2grids centered on fAβ (open circles), sAβ (closed triangles), or vehicle (open squares) needle tracks, is similar at 1, 7, and 14 d after injection. At 30 d after injection, GFAP immunofluorescence is significantly increased in the fAβ injection area relative to the sAβ and vehicle injection areas. Images used for microglia counts and GFAP immunofluorescence measurements were Kalman averages of a single optical section acquired using a 10× lens (*fAβ vs sAβ or vehicle, both p < 0.05).