Fig. 13.
Summing localization. Horizontal eye position traces are plotted synchronized to the onset of the acoustic stimuli at time 0 msec. A, ICD series:turquoise, 0 μsec; purple, −100 μsec; red, −200 μsec; black, −300 μsec; blue, single clicks. The cat was required to fixate an LED at (9°,0°) for 1000 msec and then was expected to saccade where it perceived sound to originate. B, Intensity series. The independent variable was the attenuation of the clicks presented from the speaker at (−18°,0°):turquoise, 0 dB; red, 5 dB;blue, 10 dB; thus the cat was required to initially fixate an LED at (−9°,0°). With nonzero attenuations the phantom sources were expected to be perceived to the right of the midline. Data from the mirror image experiments are not shown.