Effect of BDNF on synaptic responses to repetitive afferent stimulation is dependent on the stimulation frequency. Repetitive stimulation was delivered to afferent fibers. One of three variables (duration, number of pulses, or stimulation frequency) was held constant. The last EPSP slopes at different conditions were calculated as the percentage of the first EPSP slope. The data were analyzed by ANOVA, followed by Fisher’s post hoc test (*p < 0.05). In this and all of the other figures, the numbers associated with each columnrepresent the number of pathways recorded. a, BDNF effect on EPSPs elicited by stimulation at different frequencies with a fixed train duration (400 msec). BDNF affected only responses to stimulation at 100 Hz. b, BDNF effect on EPSPs elicited by stimulation at different frequencies with a fixed number of pulses (40 pulses). Only those elicited by 100 Hz stimulation exhibited a difference between control and BDNF-treated slices. c, BDNF effect on EPSPs elicited by stimulation with different numbers of pulses at a fixed frequency (100 Hz). Data on the 20th, 40th, 70th, and 100th pulse are shown. In all cases the EPSP slopes are higher in BDNF-treated slices as compared with the control.