Effect of N2O on AMPAR EACs.A, Averaged waveforms of interleaved AMPAR EACs in the presence of air or N2O are shown. B, Average depression induced by 80% N2O on peak AMPAR EACs (n = 8) is shown. Depression was calculated as: (Pn/Pa) − 1, where Pn is the peak response in the presence of N2O, and Pa is the peak response in the presence of air. C,D, Paired-pulse depression of AMPAR EACs was unaffected by N2O. C, Example currents are from the same cell shown in A. Paired-pulse interval was 100 msec. D, The degree of paired-pulse modulation was calculated by subtracting 1 from the test peak (P2)/conditioning peak (P1) ratio (P2/P1). Therefore, depression yields negative values, and facilitation yields positive values.