Fig. 11.
Two stage development, as in Figure 10, in which an ocularly matched, binocular ORI map begins to develop under one set of correlation functions and an OD map develops, along with continued development of ORI selectivity, under a second set of correlation functions. In the first stage, CORI+ = M (Fig. 1c) is the only non-zero composite correlation function. In the second stage, COD = dG3 (Fig. 1b) is also non-zero, with d a variable parameter. Note λ0OD/λ0ORI+ ≈ d. In the left plots (filled symbols), CORI− remains zero throughout both stages, as in Figure 10. In the right plots(open symbols), CORI− = CORI+ in the second stage (which means the two eyes’ ORI maps develop independently during that stage; also see Fig. 12). The first phase lasts until time t1 (indicated in the legend), with η = 0.008, and the second phase continues to completion with the same η. a, b, Degree of OD segregation, 〈m〉, and of segregation of ON and OFF subregions, Z. c, d, Mean orientation selectivity, Q. e, The range of λ0OD/λ0ORI+ that allows codevelopment of OD and ORI selectivity (computed as in Fig. 8c) grows wider with increasing length of the first stage t1. f, The range for any t1 is even wider when CORI− = CORI+ during stage 2. Filled symbols are repeated from e for comparison.