Fig. 1.
Monoclonal antibody Cat-315 recognizes cells with the morphological appearance of neurons in primary cultures of rat cortex. A, C, Low (A) and high (C) magnification photomicrographs of cultures from E16 rats were maintained in culture for 1 d (E16 plus 1 CD) and then fixed and stained with Cat-315. Cat-315 immunoreactivity is detected in association with cell surfaces. In addition to the surface-associated staining, immunoreactivity is also seen in an intracellular compartment (arrows). B, D, Low (B) and high (D) magnification photomicrographs of E16 plus 7 CD cultures stained with Cat-315 demonstrate that, after longer periods in culture, cell surface immunoreactivity increases, extensively labeling cells and their processes. Scale bars: A, B, 50 μm;C, D, 25 μm.