Fig. 1.
Hypoxia causes an increase inGN, an inward shift inIBH, and a decrease in the amplitude of inward relations in TC neurons. A1, Voltage-clamp traces obtained with an electrode containing KMeSO4 show the inward and outward currents evoked by depolarizing and hyperpolarizing voltage steps before (CONTROL), during (HYPOXIA), and 5 min after hypoxia (RECOVERY). Note the marked increase in instantaneous current and the small increase in steady-state current evoked by the hyperpolarizing voltage steps during hypoxia. A2, Continuous trace shows the inward current activated during hypoxia. B1,I–V plot obtained from the same neuron as in A1 shows the substantial increase inGN during hypoxia. In this and otherI–V plots in the following figures,open circles, open squares, andclosed triangles represent data obtained before, during, and after hypoxia, respectively. B2, Plot of the difference current Idif (i.e., the instantaneous current measured during hypoxia minus the instantaneous current measured in control conditions) from the data shown in B1. In this and the following figures,Vh indicates the holding potential (for further details, see Materials and Methods).