Fig. 7.
Ca2+ dependence of the hypoxic response. A, Camera lucida reconstruction of the neuron (from which all data in this figure were obtained) shows the characteristic morphology of a dLGN TC neuron. Whole-cell recording with a biocitin-containing patch electrode obtained in standard ACSF (B1, C1), then in solution containing low Ca2+ (0.5 mm), high Mg2+ (8 mm), NiCl2 (1 mm), and CdCl2 (300 μm) (B2, C2), and during washout with standard ACSF (B3, C3). In all cases, examples of currents recorded before, during, and 4 min after hypoxia are shown. C1, C2, C3,I–V plots obtained from the data shown in B1, B2, and B3. Note the marked depression of the hypoxic response in low Ca2+/high Mg2+solution. Inset graph in C1 showsIdif measured before (□), during (○), and after (▴) perfusion with the solution containing low Ca2+ (from the data shown inC1, C2, and C3, respectively).