Cylinder test of forelimb use during upright postural support. A, Ischemia resulted in an increased preference for ipsilateral limb use that persisted for the duration of the experiment in all groups (p < 0.05). Interestingly, ER5 reduced ipsilateral limb preference to control levels, which was not observed in ER14, ER30, or social housing. B, Bilateral limb use was reduced after ischemia. Surprisingly, ER5 animals returned to control levels after 35 d of treatment. In contrast, ER14, ER30, and socially housed animals persistently used fewer bilateral contacts for upright weight support. ER5, n = 8; ER14, n = 7; ER30, n = 7; social housing, n = 9; controls, n = 9. *p < 0.05 from controls; †p < 0.05 from ER5; §p < 0.05 from ER14.