Altered expression of Mth1 and Ogg1 mRNA in the
mouse hippocampus under excitotoxicity. A, RT-PCR
analyses of Mth1 and Ogg1 mRNA. RNA was isolated
from a dissected hippocampus from the mice at the time noted after the injection of
kainate (30 mg/kg) or saline (control). RT-PCR for Mth1,
Ogg1, and Gapdh mRNA was performed as described
in Materials and Methods. B, The alteration of
Mth1 mRNA level after kainate administration. The amount of
Mth1 mRNA determined by RT-PCR was normalized by that of
Gapdh mRNA at each time point, and the relative amount of
Mth1 mRNA at each time point to that of the control is shown in
the bar graph with mean ± SEM (n = 3 mice per group).
C, The alteration of Ogg1 mRNA
level after kainate administration. The relative amount of Ogg1
mRNA determined as described in B is shown in the bar