Imaging AP initiation with VSDs. A, Left,
High-magnification image of the axon of a layer 5 pyramidal neuron filled with VSD.
Right, Average fluorescence change (ΔF/F) of
130 individually aligned APs recorded at the indicated axonal locations. APs were
evoked by somatic current injection. B, Onset latency
of axonal VSD signals relative to the somatic response (0 μm) plotted against
distance from the axon hillock for the data in A. The
site of AP initiation is indicated by a black arrow. Gray arrows indicate location
of axonal branch points. C, Average onset latency of
axonal VSD signals relative to the somatic response plotted against distance from
the axon hillock for orthodromic (filled circles; n = 34) and
antidromic APs (open circles; n = 6). Data for orthodromic APs were
pooled from experiments in which APs were evoked by brief somatic current injection
(n = 27) and synaptic stimulation (n = 7).