Fig. 1.
AQP4 immunoblots of membrane fractions from rat brain. A, Membrane fraction (10 μg/lane) of cerebellum (Cer), spinal cord (spin), cerebral cortex (brc), thalamus (thal; and parts of hypothalamus), and medulla oblongata (m.obl). The immunoblot was reacted with affinity-purified anti-AQP4 (LL182AP). B, Identical to A except that the blot was reacted with affinity-purified antibody previously reacted overnight with immunizing peptide LL182. C, Immunoblot of membrane fractions (10 μg/lane) reacted with the second affinity-purified anti-AQP4 antibody (LL179AP). D, Immunoblot of membrane fractions from rat cerebellum using 4000 × g(4), 17,000 × g(17), and 200,000 × g(200) membrane pellets. The blot was probed with anti-AQP4 (LL182). Note that longer exposures to radiographic film of LL182 and LL179 blots revealed the presence of higher-molecular-weight bands in all lanes that contained the predominant ∼30 kDa band (not shown).