Representation of LP waveforms and PD gIPSPs with equivalent rectangles. The equivalent rectangle of a waveform is defined as a rectangle of length tequiv(a measure of the waveform length) and heightVavg (a measure of the average amplitude of the waveform), in which tequiv is twice the time that divides the waveform in two parts with equal integrals, andVavg is the ratio of the integral of the waveform in one period to tequiv. The area of the equivalent rectangle is therefore equal to the integral of the waveform during one cycle. A, Equivalent rectangles superimposed on one cycle of a 0.2 Hz LP waveform (bottom) and the PD response (top). The integral of the LP waveform is measured from its minimum, and the integral of the PD response is measured from its baseline (−23 mV). Vertical bar, 2 mV (PD) and 20 mV (LP). B, Equivalent rectangles for LP waveforms (bottom) and PD responses (top, mean ± SEM; n = 14) at frequencies of 0.2, 0.8, 2.0, and 2.8 Hz. In each case, two duty cycles are superimposed: 55/45 (light gray) and 35/65 (dark gray). The height of the equivalent rectangles for PD responses are Vavg values normalized to the Vavg of the response to the 0.1 Hz LP waveform with the duty cycle of 55/45 (Aref). Vertical bar,Aref (PD) and 40 mV (LP). C,Vavg normalized byAref (mean ± SEM;n = 14) plotted against frequency for gIPSPs in response to LP waveforms with duty cycles of 55/45 (open circles) and 35/65 (filled circles).D, tequiv normalized by period (mean ± SEM; n = 13) plotted against frequency for gIPSPs in response to LP waveforms with duty cycles of 55/45 (open circles) and 35/65 (filled circles). Dotted lines show the normalizedtequiv values for the LP waveforms (0.41 for the 35/65 duty cycle and 0.61 for the 55/45 duty cycle).