Fig. 7.
Camera-lucida reconstruction of axon 4-2 labeled by PHA-L anterogradely transported from TEav (case 4) to the ventrocaudal striatum and the dorsolateral aspect of the deep amygdaloid nuclei. Thick lines represent the main axonal trunk and collaterals, and thin lines represent terminal arbors. Numbers indicate serial numbers of individual sections; smaller numbers are posterior. This axon was serially reconstructed through 103 sections (section thickness, 40 μm). Ten terminal arbors (ar1–ar10) were drawn; each arbor is presented with a range of sections (numbers inparentheses), from which the arbor was completely reconstructed. Sections in which the axon gives off major collaterals are indicated by section numbers andarrows. Dashed lines (with sectionnumbers) indicate borders between different structures. The global locations of terminal arbors are illustrated in low-magnification camera-lucida drawings of selected sections, where terminal clusters containing individual arbors are circumscribed byshaded ellipses or circles. Double lines indicate the incomplete portion of the axon. The main axonal trunk in the white matter was followed to the injection site.AB, Accessory basal nucleus; CE, central nucleus; L, lateral nucleus; LB, lateral basal nucleus; MB, medial basal nucleus;Amy, amygdala; Cd, caudate nucleus;Cl, claustrum; GPe, external globus pallidus; H, hippocampus; LV, lateral ventricle; Put, putamen; WM, white matter; rh, rhinal sulcus. Orientation:M, medial; L, lateral; D, dorsal; V, ventral. The same conventions and abbreviations are used for illustrating other reconstructed axons unless otherwise noted.