Photomicrographs showing axonal fibers and terminals labeled after PHA-L injection into TEav (case 4). Four sections (113, 131, 147, 191) are illustrated at both low (left column) and high (right column) magnifications. Arrows in each pair of photomicrographs indicate identical locations. A, B, Proximal axonal trunk and an emerging branch (arrow) of axon 4-2 in the ventral putamen (for complete details, see Figs. 7, ar3, 9B). Note the differences in thickness and morphology between the smooth proximal axonal and the beaded branch with terminal swellings and varicosities (arrowheads inB). C, D, Distinctive terminal cluster in the ventral putamen, in which two arbors of two different axons were reconstructed (axon 4-2, Figs. 7, 9E,ar8; axon 4-1, Fig. 15, ar6). Thearrows indicate an emerging branch (of axon 4-1) coursing toward the densest part of the cluster. E, F, Arbor ar7 of axon 4-2 (Figs. 7, 9D) in the ventral putamen. G, H, Circumscribed terminal cluster within the lateral nucleus (L) of the amygdala. Arbor 10 of axon 4-2 (Figs. 7, 9F) was completely reconstructed in this cluster. L, Lateral nucleus of the amygdala; Put, putamen; WM, white matter. Scale bars: A, C, E, G, 100 μm; B, D, F, H, 50 μm.