Fig. 5.
The new D1 agonist DHX mimics the effect of SKF38393 and inhibits the activity of DA cells treated with high doses of the D2 agonist quinpirole. A, Graph showing the inhibition induced by DHX (0.5–1 mg/kg) of seven SN DA cells in rats pretreated with raclopride (4–10 μg, locally in the SN) and with quinpirole (160 μg/kg, i.v.). Open and filled circles represent the firing rate of individual cells before and after DHX injection, respectively. All cells showed an inhibitory response to DHX. On average, the firing rate was reduced from 45.0 ± 7.0 to 13.8 ± 4.1% of baseline (open andfilled bars; p < 0.001).B, Typical rate histogram showing the inhibition by DHX of an SN DA cell pretreated locally with raclopride (10 μg). Quinpirole (QUIN, 160 μg/kg) inhibited the firing rate of this cell to 65% of baseline. DHX further inhibited the activity to 35%. SCH39166 (SCH) reversed the inhibition induced by DHX. Raclopride further returned the activity to predrug baseline (data not shown).