Patterns of c-jun andc-fos induction in situ. Cultures were analyzed for c-jun (A, B) orc-fos (C–H) expression by performing in situ hybridization and for chromatin integrity by staining with Hoechst 33258. Cultures were treated with Aβ1–40 (40 μm, lot ZM605) for 48 hr (A, C, E–H) or treated with medium change only (B, D). The depicted images represent dark-field-and-fluorescence (A–E, G) or fluorescence (F, H) microscopy. The neurons depicted inE and G are shown again inF and H, respectively; thearrows indicate c-fos-positive neurons and their associated chromatin. A–D originally were magnified 200×, whereas E and F were magnified 400×. Sense cRNA probes did not label above background. These results were replicated in at least two separate neuronal preparations. These genes also were induced at 24 hr after Aβ treatment (data not shown).