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. 2019 Oct 15;14(10):e0223826. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0223826

Table 2. List of variables of functional traits and ecological preference for 99 dry grassland species considered in the study.

*Not included in the calculation of functional diversity index. Vegetative traits may reflect competition ability. Phenology traits show the adaptive potential of species to the environmental condition. Seed traits are related to species’ dispersal ability.

Trait Abbreviation Scale, units or categories Range Data source
Functional traits* [60]
Vegetative traits
Clonality CLON Binary: presence (1)/absence (0) 0/1 [56, 57]
Perennial PER Binary: presence (1)/absence (0) 0/1 [56, 57]
Plant height PHEI Continuous [Log (m)] -1.12–0.13 [53], Průchová unpublished data
Specific leaf area SLA Continuous [mm2 mg-1] 7.56–39.35 [56], own measurements
Phenology traits
Beginning of flowering BFLOW Ordinal (month) 3–8 [58]
Duration of flowering MFLOW Quantitative (month) 1–6 [58]
End of flowering EFLOW Ordinal (month) 4–10 [58]
Seed traits
Rate of endozoochory ENDO Continuos: proportion between 0 and 1 0–1 Průchová unpublished data
Rate of epizoochory EPI Continuous; proportion between 0 and 1 0–1 [53], Průchová unpublished data
Seed bank longevity SBL Continuous; dimensionless index between 0 and 1 0–1 [56]
Seed mass SMASS Continuous [Log (mg)] -3.30–1.43 [53], Průchová unpublished data
Terminal velocity TV Continuous [m s -1] 0.26–4.30 [53], Průchová unpublished data
Ecological preference*
Ellenberg’s values
Light LIGHT Ordinal: categories 1–9 5–9 [50, 59]
Moisture MOIST Ordinal: categories 1–12 2–7 [50, 59]
Nutrients NUT Ordinal: categories 1–9 1–6 [50, 59]

* We only included traits with complete information for the 99 species as FD indices decline in reliability with missing trait data. Data on specific leaf area (SLA), plant height and seed mass were log transformed to decrease the effect of extreme values. Only the rate of epizoochory and endozoochory included missing data (NAs in 13 species, < 13% data). We could not obtain trait measures for the SLA and seed bank longevity for 6 and 10 species, respectively and, we used the mean trait value of the genus (see S2 Table).