Internally generated multi-neuronal sequences predominantly contribute to sleep replay. (a) Diagram of the behavioral setup displaying the sequence of four brain and behavioral states. (b) Top: Example run template (built from place cells active during the run session) and awake rest on the track, pre-run and post-run sleep multi-neuronal sequence templates (all pyramidal cells active in those states) constructed by averaging relative rank order within frames of activity corresponding to individual brain and behavior states. Bottom: Example templates for all brain states, same as top row, but sorted by the cell order as expressed during post-run sleep. r represents the correlation of a template with the post-run sleep template. (c) Correlations between pre-run sleep and run (left) or post-run sleep and run (right) are higher than chance. Numbers at the top indicate the corresponding percentile of run sequence correlation among the correlations from shuffle sequences. (d) Absolute correlations between sleep template and run template. (e) Correlations (left) and absolute correlations (right) between run and sleep templates compared with correlations between pre- and post-run sleep templates. (f) Correlation between awake rest templates and sleep templates. (g) Correlations between sleep templates as a function of cell participation during the run experience (place cells vs silent cells). Error bars represent standard errors