Figure 4. Population tuning functions and graded modulation of motor-goal activities.
(a) Average normalized tuning function. Shaded areas correspond to standard errors. Vertical arrows illustrate directions quantified in (b). (b) Comparison of (non-normalized) average firing rates at maximum direction (PDmax: red), opposite direction (OD: blue), orthogonal direction (Orth: yellow) during the planning period (300 ms before the rule-cue onset), and the baseline (gray dotted line) of all motor-goal tuned PMd (left) and PRR (right) neurons. Error bars depict standard errors (*p < αcorr at 5%, **p < αcorr at 1%, ***p < αcorr at 0.1%; Bonferroni-corrected t-test). Interpolated population tunings (a) were plotted for illustrative purposes, in which we refer to interpolated firing rates and PDs continuously between 0° and 360°. Statistical analyses are based on the original neuronal activities restricted to the four discrete directions (0°, 90°, 180°, 270°) which we had sampled in our task as shown in (b). The preferred direction of a neuron was then defined by the direction toward which the motor-goal evoked the maximum response, denoted PDmax. (c–d) Same as (a–b) for upregulating (UR) and downregulating (DR) neurons separately.