FOXP2, NFIA, and NFIB are enriched in the human fetal subplate
(A) Heat maps showing the correlations of module
eigengenes (ME) of the NFI factor-containing WGCNA modules built from Brainspan
RNA-seq data (Zhu et al., 2018) to each
brain region along with significant enrichments of each module with DE genes.
For acronym meanings see Table
S4B. Cortical regions are written in green. Asterisks represent a
correlation with a p-value < 0.01. (B) Heat map showing the
mean expression of FOXP2 and NFIA-C and
X (Miller et al.,
2014) scaled across developmental layer. Marginal zone (MZ), outer
and inner cortical plate (CPo, CPi), subplate (SP), intermediate zone (IZ),
outer and inner subventricular zone (SZo, SZi), ventricular zone (VZ).
(C) T-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (tSNE)
clustering of the single-cell transcriptomes from Nowakowski et al. 2017 (CTX-RG, cortical derived
radial glia; MGE-RG/PC, medial ganglionic eminence derived radial glia and
progenitor cells; IN, interneuron; IPC/newborn-EN, intermediate progenitor
cell/newborn excitatory neuron; ESP, excitatory subplate neuron; EPN excitatory
projection neuron; OPC, oligodendrocyte progenitor cell). (D)
Expression of FOXP2 and NFIA and
NFIB in single-cells. Outlined clusters are significantly
enriched for NFIA and/or NFIB expression
(Wilcoxon rank sum test with a Bonferroni corrected p-value). (E)
Pie charts showing the proportion of all FOXP2-expressing cells
(left) or FOXP2-expressing ESP cluster cells (right) that also
express NFIA, NFIB, or NFIA and