Figure 3.
Low energy MS/MS spectra of selected human glycopeptides. (a) GSQWSDIEEFCNR –N4H5S2 glycopeptide (m/z 1278.1558) derived from DAF_HUMAN at 13 V (35% of the “standard” collision energy). (b) GHTLTLNFTR –N2H7 glycopeptide (m/z 900.7216) derived from LAMP1_HUMAN at 13.8 V (40% of the “standard” collision energy). Fragment intensities were enlarged by a factor of 5 for better visibility. (c) LLNINPNK –N4H5F glycopeptide (m/z 1347.5967) derived from LAMP1_HUMAN at 10.3 V (30% of the “standard” collision energy). (N: N-acetylhexosamine, H: hexose, S: sialic acid, F: fucose).