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. 2019 Oct 9;13:452. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2019.00452



Postsynaptic currents are detected in Shox2 neurons following dorsal root stimulation. (A) Cartoon of experimental setup for the ventral horn-removed experiments. Dorsal roots were stimulated while recording from Shox2 neurons (red) in lumbar segments of cords isolated from Shox2::cre;Rosa26-lsl-tdTomato mice. (B) Postsynaptic currents were recorded in Shox2 neurons in response to stimulation of rostral (L1 or L2) and/or caudal (L4 or L5) lumbar dorsal roots. Evoked currents in Shox2 neurons were only excitatory (EPSC), only inhibitory (IPSC), or mixed with shortest latency components that were excitatory (mixed-E) or inhibitory (mixed-I). Top: example showing excitatory current. Gray traces show 10 individual trials and red trace shows average. Black triangle indicates stimulation artifact. Bottom: example showing mixed-I current. (C) Number of recorded Shox2 neurons displaying postsynaptic currents in response to stimulation of dorsal L1/L2 (8/19) and L4/L5 roots (21/22). (D) Responses of Shox2 neurons in which both L1/L2 and L4/L5 stimulation were tested are plotted according to lumbar level and mediolateral position. The color of each point is based on response (EPSC in teal, IPSC in pink, mixed in purple, and gray for no response) following L1/L2 (left half) and L4/L5 (right half) stimulation. The center point of the dorsal root at the entry zone is designated as segment number. (E–G) Latency, duration, and amplitude were characterized for each response to L1/L2 (x) and L4/L5 (o) stimulation and plotted on log scale for better visualization of points.