Antibiotics disrupt the turkey ileum microbiome. (A) Principal-coordinate analysis of unweighted UniFrac distances of the turkey ileum microbiome, colored by treatment (teal, control; orange, antibiotic treatment [BMD]). (B) Alpha diversity (Shannon index) for control and BMD-treated turkeys with P values reported. (C) OTUs significantly different in centered log-ratio-transformed relative abundance (CLR RA) in BMD versus control birds, by time point. Stars denote P < 0.05. OTUs are labeled as their most specific taxonomic identifier available. For panels A to C, numbers were as follows: day 3, n = 15, BMD; n = 14, control; day 6, n = 15, BMD; n = 16, control; day 13, n = 15, BMD; n = 15, control.