Host phenotypes are correlated with microbiome shifts and treatment. (A) Procrustes analysis of principal coordinates from bacterial unweighted UniFrac distances and reactome pathway Euclidean distances. Samples are colored by treatment: control, antibiotic (BMD), turkey-tailored probiotic (T-Pbx), commercial probiotic (FM-B11), and prebiotic (Prebx). M2 and P values from n = 999 permutations are reported. (B) Change in total body weights from day 3 to day 13 for turkeys separated by treatment and tested via Student’s t test with P values reported. Numbers per treatment: control, n = 37; BMD, n = 38; T-Pbx, n = 36; FM-B11, n = 36; Prebx, n = 34. (C) Weights for each turkey on days 3, 6, and 13 of life, separated by treatment. Differences in weight by treatment were tested for by using a Student t test. N.S. represents P values of <0.05. (D) Villus height/crypt depth ratios averaged by treatment group in the ileum across treatment groups. Letters denote statistical significance (P < 0.05).