Fig. 1.
a-d Microbiota composition analysis of the mid-colon. CELL = diet enriched with purified cellulose, lc-AXOS = diet enriched with long-chain arabinoxylans (n = 10 per treatment). a Proportions of the 20 most abundant genera in the mid-colon per dietary treatment and animal. b Constrained Correspondence Analysis (CCA) of the Bray-Curtis beta-diversity ordinated against zootechnical parameters and bacterial metabolites in the mid-colon. AA; Acetic acid, BA; Butyric acid; PA; Propionic acid, LA; Lactic acid; VA; Valeric acid, IBA; Isobutyric acid, IVA; Isovaleric acid, dry matter, BWa; Body weight at autopsy; BWb Body weight at birth; WGr; weight gain relative to BWb. c Diversity metrics, i.e. observed diversity in OTUs, Shannon index and Beta-dispersion index on Bray-Curtis None of them were significantly different (P > 0.100). d Relative abundance of six genera with a significant (P < 0.05) differential abundance in response to dietary treatments