Fig. 4.
Temperature increases (ΔT) of a (PSS-coated GNRs@HSA/CS NPs (close symbols) and non-encapsulated PSS-coated GNRs (open symbols) under NIR light irradiation (808 nm) at a fluency of 2 W/cm2 and GNR concentrations 1·1011 (filled black square), 1·1010 (filled red circle), 1·109 (filled blue triangle) NR/mL and bare HSA/CS NPs (filled green inverted triangle); b HSA/CS (PSS-GNRs) NPs irradiated at NIR laser power intensities of 2.0 (filled red square) and 0.5 (filled blue circle) W/cm2 ([GNR] = 1.0·1011 NP/mL). Bare HSA/chitosan NPs (filled green triangle) and PSS-GNRs (open red square) irradiated at 2.0 W/cm2 are also shown as controls. Error bars are not shown for clarity. Uncertainties are within ± 10%