Figure 6.
NAA and Glx mediation shown are axial brain images of NAA and Glx mediating associations of age with psychometric scores, NAA/Glx correlations with age are shown in A and C for ages 9–12, and in B and D for ages 5–14, for reference. Significant mediation by NAA in the thalamus was found for the association age with Hit Reaction Time scores in the 9–12 year age group, but not in the expanded 5- to 14-year-old sample. Significant mediation by Glx in the putamen and external capsule was found for the associations of age with Hit Reaction Time scores in the 9–12 age group, and in the putamen in the expanded 5–14-year-old sample. EC, External capsule; Put, putamen; Th, thalamus.