Thermogenetic activation of 5-HT neurons of the PMPV cluster induces behavioral quiescence. A, Expression of mCherry-dTRPA1 (anti-RFP immunoreactivity, magenta) in the brain under control different Gal4 driver lines (rows) is restricted to defined 5-HT neurons through a flippase (FIF) under control of a Trh-promoter sequence. Left column represents maximal intensity projections across stacks of confocal images from an anterior view on the brain. Right column represents a posterior view. Green represents anti-5-HT immunoreactivity. White represents the overlap. Yellow circles and arrows indicate identified 5-HT neuron clusters. Scale bars, 50 μm. B, C, Flies expressing mCherry-dTRPA1 in distinct subsets of 5-HT neurons and the respective parental controls were tested for locomotion velocity at 18°C (B) and 32°C (C) (n = 26–32). Bars indicate mean ± SEM. n.s., Not significant (p > 0.05). ***p < 0.001.