Q1: Does the resource provide enough background information to situate the user? |
3—Yes, the resource provides sufficient background information to situate the user and also directs users to other valuable resources related to the topic. |
2—Yes, the resource provides sufficient background information to situate the user. |
1—No, the information presented within the resource cannot be situated within its broader context, but users are directed to resources with this information. |
0—No, the information presented within the resource cannot be situated within its broader context without looking up information independently. |
Q2: Does the resource contain an appropriate amount of information for its length? |
3—No unnecessary, redundant or missing content, all content was essential. |
2—Some unnecessary, redundant, or missing content, but most content was essential. |
1—Lots of unnecessary redundant or missing content. |
0—Insufficient content. |
Q3: Is the resource well written and formatted? |
3—The resource is very well written and formatted in a way that optimized and benefits learning. |
2—The resource is reasonably well written and formatted, but aspects of the organization or presentation are distracting or otherwise detrimental to learning. |
1—The resource is somewhat well written and formatted, but could benefit from substantive editing (e.g., grammatical errors are seen or better organized). |
0—The resource is poorly written and/or formatted and should not be a resource for learning. |
Q4: Does the resource cite its references? |
3—Yes, the references are cited, clearly map to specific statements within the resource, and all statements of fact that are not common knowledge are supported with a reference. |
2—Yes, the references are cited and clearly map to specific statements within the resource, but statements of fact that are not common knowledge are made without the support of a reference. |
1—Yes, there are references listed but they do not map to specific statements within the resource. |
0—No, no references are cited. |
Q5: Is it clear who created the resource and do they have any conflicts of interest? |
3—Yes, the identity and qualifications of the author are clear and they specify that they have no relevant conflicts of interest. |
2—Yes, the identity and qualifications of the author are clear, but they do not disclose whether they have any conflicts of interest. |
1—Yes, the identity of the author is clear, but they do not list their qualifications or disclose whether they have any conflicts of interest. |
0—No, the author of the resource has significant conflicts of interest or is not clearly identified (e.g., no name or a pseudonym is used). |
Q6: Are the editorial and prepublication peer review processes that were used to create the resource clearly outlined? |
3—Yes, a clear review process is described on the website and it was clearly applied to the resource. |
2—Yes, a clear review process is described on the website, but it was not clear whether it was applied to the resource. |
1—Yes, a review process is mentioned on the website, but it was not clearly described. |
0—No, it is unclear whether or not the website has a review process or there is no process. |
Q7: Is there evidence of postpublication commentary on the resource's content by its users? |
3—Yes, a robust discussion of the resource's content has occurred that expands upon the content of the resource. |
2—Yes, some comments have been made on the resource, but a robust discussion about the resource's content has not occurred. |
1—There was a mechanism to leave comments but none had been made. |
0—No, there was no mechanism to leave comments or comments that were present were either unrelated to the post or unprofessional. |