Figure 4.
Migration and maturation of P25-born OSNs in the septal OE. A, Newborn OSNs migrate radially in the OE. Graph showing relative radial position of BrdU+ cells in the dorsal (gray) and ventral (red) septal OE at different time points after BrdU injections. B, Graph showing the distance between BrdU+ cells and the basal lamina; distance is represented in micrometers. C, Relative position of P25-born OSNs in the ventral zone of the septum at six different time points during a 12 d timecourse after BrdU administration. The mean ± SEM values are plotted (n = 3). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. D, Coimmunolabeling for BrdU (magenta) and markers of maturation (green): GAP 43, AC3, and OMP at different time points after BrdU administration. D1–D3, Confocal images at low magnification representing flattened stacks of 10–12 1-μm-thick optical sections. D4–D9, High-magnification confocal images representing flattened stacks of seven to nine 1-μm-thick optical sections. GAP 43 and BrdU costaining at DPI-B-5 (D4, D5). AC3 and BrdU costaining at DPI-B-8 (D6, D7). OMP and BrdU costaining at DPI-B-12 (D8, D9). In D4a–c to D9a–c, square cells (a) are magnified in b showing BrdU labeling, and in c showing the corresponding markers GAP 43, AC3, and OMP. In both b and c, colabeled cells are marked with an asterisk. E, Line graph showing the percentage of colabeled (marker/BrdU) cells of the total number of BrdU+ cells counted. Transition from immature to mature OSN occurs at 10 d after basal cell division. OSNs first express AC3 at 5 d post-basal cell division. OMP expression is not evident until 8 d post-basal cell division. The mean ± SEM values are plotted (n = 3). **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. Dashed white lines delineate the surface of the OE (top) and basal lamina (bottom). DRAQ-5 is in blue. Scale bars: D1–D3, 25 μm; D4–D9, 10 μm.