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. 2019 Oct 17;19:859. doi: 10.1186/s12879-019-4548-4

Table 1.

Characteristics of included studies in the systematic review

Study Authors and Published Year (location) Study Design Participants Exposure Outcomes Controls Case Result Adjustment of covariates
Magee et al. 2018 [8] (U.S.A.) Cross-sectional study Patients with diabetes identified by self-report and glycated hemoglobin (n = 4958) Metformin medication identified by self-report A diagnosis of LTBI infection identified by QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-tube Patients without metformin medication 575

Latent TB infection prevalence was non-significantly higher in those without metformin use (prevalence difference, 1.4, 95%CI, −3.7

−6.4%) compared to those self-reporting any metformin use (OR, 1.1, 95%CI, 0.7 to 1.9).

Singhal et al. 2014 [4] (Singapore) Two retrospective cohort studies

Cohort 1: Patients suffered from both DM and TB

(n = 273)

Cohort 2: Patients with DM (n = 220)

Metformin treatment

Cohort 1: Pulmonary cavities at diagnosis and mortality during the first year after diagnosis.

Cohort 2: A diagnosis of LTBI tested by T-Spot TB array

Patients using alternative drugs for DM.

Cohort 1:


Cohort 2:62

Cohort 1: those receiving metformin had fewer pulmonary cavities (OR, 0.6; 95%CI, 0.36 to 0.97). The Mortality was 3% among patients who received metformin compared to 10% among patients in the non-metformin group (OR, 0.29; 95%CI, 0.14 to 0.95).

Cohort 2: metformin therapy was associated with reduced T-SPOT reactivity when compared with controls (OR, 0.44; 95%CI, 0.20 to 0.95).

Marupuru et al. 2017 [19] (India) Case-control study Diabetics (≥ 40 years old) identified on the basis of ICD-10 coding for disease classification (E11.9, n = 448) Metformin usage The diagnosis of TB following ICD-10 code A15-A19 Patients without metformin usage 149 The protective effect of metformin against TB was 3.9-fold in diabetics (OR = 0.256, 0.16 to 0.40). No difference was found between those on 1000 mg metformin (27.3%), and on 500 mg (25.7%) for development of TB. NA
Lee et al. 2017 [11] (South Korea) Retrospective cohort study Culture-proven pulmonary TB in patients diagnosed with DM; follow-up sputum Mtb cultures after 2 months of treatment; completion of World Health Organization-recommended TB treatment (n = 105) Metformin treatment

(1) Sputum culture conversion after 2 months of treatment;

(2) Recurrence of TB proven by isolation of Mtb or clinical radiological evidence

Participants without metformin treatment 105 The OR of sputum culture conversion at 2 months for patients with metformin use was 2.69 (95%CI, 0.92 to 7.95); A statistical difference in the recurrence rate with the use of metformin (OR, 1.92; 95%CI, 0.42 to 8.76) was observed. Metformin improved the sputum culture conversion rate in patients with cavitary pulmonary TB (OR, 10.8; 95%CI, 1.22 to 95.63) Sex, statin use, insulin, cancer, AFB smear grade, and drug resistance

Lin et al. 2017 [20]

(Tai Wan)

Retrospective cohort study Patients aged 20 and older newly diagnosed with diabetes (ICD-9250.XX and A-code A181) and without a past history of pulmonary TB (n = 22,256) Metformin treatment Incidence of pulmonary TB identified in follow-up Patients without metformin treatment 682

Unadjusted crude HR:

0.42 (95%CI, 0.35 to 0.50)

Adjusted HR:

0.52 (95%CI, 0.43 to 0.62)

Sex, age, alcoholism, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cirrhosis, alcoholic liver damage, hepatitis C, chronic kidney diseases, and malignancies

Degner et al. 2018 [12]

(Tai Wan)

Retrospective cohort study Patients aged ≥13 years with culture-confirmed, drug-susceptible pulmonary TB undergoing treatment and diabetes (n = 634) Metformin medication within 30 days of starting TB treatment Effect on mortality among patients with DM undergoing TB treatment Patients without metformin prescriptions 634

Adjusted HR: 0.56 (95%CI, 0.39 to 0.82)

Unadjusted HR: 0.50 (95%CI, 0.35 to 0.72)

Age, sex, chronic kidney disease, cancer, cavitary diseases, TB treatment adherence

Lee et al. 2018 [9]

(Tai Wan)

Retrospective cohort study Patients had at least one hospital admission or at least three outpatient visits with a DM diagnostic code (ICD-9) within 365 calendar days (n = 177,732) With total prescriptions of metformin for > 90 cumulative defined daily doses within 1 year after the onset of DM treatment A newly diagnosed TB (ICD-9-CM code: 010–018) after the index date. Diabetics do not satisfy the exposure criteria 1514

Adjusted HR: 0.84 (95%CI, 0.74 to 0.96)

TB risk was lower in high-dose metformin users than in low-dose users (HR, 0.83; 95%CI, 0.72 to 0.97)

Sex, type 1 diabetes mellitus, age, low income, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, liver cirrhosis, pulmonary cancer, extra-pulmonary cancer, bronchiectasis, and so on

Lin et al. 2018 [10]

(Tai Wan)

Retrospective cohort study Patients who were 20–100 years old and who were newly diagnosed with type 2 DM (ICD-9-CM, 250.X0 and 250.X2) (n = 10,052) Metformin usage A diagnosis of active TB (ICD-9-CM, 010–018) during the follow-up period and the prescription of more than two anti-TB medications for more than 90 days. Participants without metformin usage 329

Adjusted RR: 0.24 (95%CI, 0.18 to 0.32)

Unadjusted RR: 0.37 (95%CI, 0.29 to 0.47)

The duration of DM diagnosis, comorbidities (chronic pulmonary disease/ renal disease), oral anti-diabetic therapy, and insulin injection therapy

Ma et al. 2018 [21]


Retrospective cohort study

Culture-positive retreatment pulmonary TB patients with type 2 DM

Multidrug-resistant TB, extensively drug-resistant TB, and extra-pulmonary TB were excluded.(n = 58)

Metformin treatment in regimens for diabetes

(1) Success treatment of TB

(2) Sputum culture conversion by the end of 2 months

(3) Relapse rates of patients

Patients without metformin medication 58 There were a higher proportion of treatment success (OR, 6.00; 95%CI, 0.71 to 50.59) and sputum culture conversions by the end of 2 months (OR, 2.80; 95%CI, 0.55 to 14.23) among metformin group. The relapse rates of patients in the metformin and non-metformin group were 6.3 and 35.7% (OR, 0.12; 95%CI, 0.01 to 1.20). NA

Pan et al. 2018 [13]


Retrospective cohort study

Patients with a diagnosis of type 2 DM (ICD-9250 × 0, 250 × 2).

Patients aged < 20 years or had a diagnosis of TB were excluded.(n = 9475)

Participants received ≥60 cumulative defined daily dose of metformin and < 15 cumulative defined daily dose of sulfonylurea

TB occurrence

(ICD-9, 010–018)

Participants received ≥60 cumulative defined daily dose of sulfonylurea and < 15 cumulative defined daily dose of metformin 263

Adjusted RR: 0.337 (95%CI, 0.169 to 0.673)

Unadjusted RR:

0.477 (95%CI, 0.268 to 0.850)

Age, sex, adapted diabetes complication severity index score, index year, income level, and comorbidities

Tseng et al. 2018 [7]


Retrospective cohort study

Newly diagnosed diabetes patients (ICD-9) who had been followed up in the outpatient clinics with a prescription of antidiabetic drugs for two or more times

(n = 164,267)

Patients had been prescribed metformin as the first antidiabetic drug Incidence density of TB infection Patients without metformin prescriptions 2336

Adjusted HR:

0.552 (95%CI, 0.493–0.617)

Unadjusted HR: NA

Age, diabetes duration, sex, occupation, living region, hypertension, dyslipidemia, obesity, diabetes-related complications, antidiabetic drugs and so on

Abbreviations: TB Tuberculosis, LTBI Latent tuberculosis infection, DM Diabetes mellitus, Mtb Mycobacterium tuberculosis, HR Hazard ratio, OR Odds ratio, RR Relative ratio, CI Confidence interval, ICD International classification of diseases, AFB Acid-fast bacilli, NA Not available