Levels of anti-MOG IgG and T lymphocyte phenotypes in blood of treated and control animals. a, b) Levels of anti-MOG IgG and IgG1 antibodies in the plasma of treated and control animals, measured by CBA and expressed as the ΔMFI. a) Levels of anti-MOG IgG at baseline and 35 and 56 dpi for all animals, as well as at 36 and 37 dpi for animals C1 and C2, respectively. b) Levels of anti-MOG IgG1. c-h) Phenotype of circulating CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes assessed by flow cytometry at several timepoints after sensitisation with rhMOG/IFA and expressed as the variation of the phenotype over time, expressed as the percentage (%) of all CD4+ or CD8+ cells. c) Variations in the percentage of circulating CD4+ T cells were not statistically different between control and treated animals. d) Activated CD4+CD69+ cells increased only in controls at 28 dpi relative to earlier time points. e) The number of central memory (CM) CD4+CD95+CD28+ cells, was not statistically different between the two groups. f) Activated central memory CD4+CD95+CD28+CD69+ cells did not significantly increase in control animals at 28 dpi relative to earlier timepoints. g) The percentage of circulating CD8+ T cells was statistically higher in control than treated animals after sensitisation with rhMOG/IFA. h) There was no difference in the number of activated CD8+CD69+ cells between control and treated animals. In all graphs, animals treated with anti-DC-ASGPR-PSA (C1, C2, C3) or anti-DC-ASGPR-MOG (T1, T2, T3) are illustrated with specific symbols (shown in a and c). The large upward ticks on the X axis indicate the administration of rhMOG/IFA; small upward ticks indicate the treatment with anti-DC-ASGPR-MOG or PSA. Red arrows: peak of EAE and euthanasia. Statistics: exploratory analysis using the two-tailed unpaired t-test. (*) p ≤ .050, (**) p ≤ .010, (***) p ≤ .0010. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)