Fig. 6.
Measurement of MOG-specific Treg lymphocytes and anti-MOG IgG in treated and control animals. a-c) FOXP3 and CD39 expression among CD3+CD4+CD25+CD134+ T cells during the antigen recall response in macaques sensitised with rhMOG/IFA and receiving anti-DC-ASGPR-MOG or anti-DC-ASGPR-PSA. a) Percentage of CD3+CD4+CD25+CD134+ T cells in PBMCs from treated animals (anti-DC-ASGPR-MOG) or controls (anti-DC-ASGPR-PSA) at 14 and 35 dpi. b) Percentage of FOXP3+CD39− cells among CD3+CD4+CD25+CD134+ T cells in treated and control animals. c) Percentage of FOXP3+CD39+ cells among CD3+CD4+CD25+CD134+ T cells in treated and control animals. d, e) Measurements of anti-MOG IgG and MOG-specific Tregs in two animals injected with anti-DC-ASGPR-MOG prior to sensitisation with rhMOG/IFA. d) Weekly measurement of anti-rhMOG IgG in the plasma of animals by ELISA, expressed as arbitrary units (AU). e) Mean percentage of CD3+CD4+CD25+CD134+ T cells that are FOXP3+CD39− (triangles) or FOXP3+CD39+ (squares) among PBMCs of these two macaques are shown at successive time points. Small upward ticks on the X axis of both graphs indicate anti-DC-ASGPR-MOG injections; large ticks indicate rhMOG/IFA immunisations. Statistics: exploratory analysis, with no multiple test correction, using the two-tailed unpaired t-test. (ns) p > .050, (*) p ≤ .050.