a An 11-day-old mutant exhibits a significant dilution of coat color compared with its littermate control. b The mutant exhibits two-end diluted brown coat color with pink eyes. c The pedigree of the mutant family and d mutant G3 animals exhibiting an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. WT: wild-type; Mut: mutant. e A significant linkage peak between 46 Mb and 66 Mb on chromosome 15 (LOD > 2) containing 30 annotated genes was identified. f The mutation c.2228 C > T was located in exon 21 and resulted in a change of serine to leucine at position 743 (S743L). The arrows indicate the position of the missense mutation. g The S743L (red star) in the transmembrane domain 10 and the serine residue (arrow) in the S743L variant is highly conserved in mammalian OCA2 proteins. h The protein expression of OCA2 from mutants was significantly lower than that from WT pigs in eyes and scalp (WT: n = 3, S743: n = 3; **P < 0.01). i Fundus photographs of S743L pigs showed overt hypopigmentation in both eyes compared with WT pigs. OS (oculus sinister): left eye; OD (oculus dexter): right eye. j The ocular tissues from S743L pigs revealed an obvious reduction in melanin in RPE cells, choroid (CH), and IPE cells compared with those from WT pigs. OLM, outer limiting membrane; ONL, outer nuclear layer; OPL, outer plexiform layer; INL, inner nuclear layer; IPL, inner plexiform layer; GCL, ganglion-cell layer. k The number of pigmented melanosomes decreased in the iris, RPE, and choroid of S743L pigs compared with that in WT pigs. l The S743L pigs displayed a reduction of melanin in hair follicles. The right panel indicates a magnification of hair follicle in the dashed line. Scale bars: 50 μm. m The male and female S743L pigs exhibited a similar growth curve to those of age-matched WT piglets over a 6-month period (male WT: n = 20, S743: n = 8; female WT: n = 20, S743: n = 6; P > 0.05). n A 6-month-old mutant exhibits a dilution of coat color compared with its littermate control. o The reproductive traits of S743L pigs were indistinguishable from those of WT piglets, including total litter size, number weaned, and mean litter birth weight (WT: n = 12, S743: n = 5; P > 0.05)