PR peptides
influenced the abundance of the α-face conformations
of 20S proteasome, as detected by AFM. (a) In control, untreated samples,
about 70% of molecules had their central channel covered and classified
as a closed gate conformation. About 7% of molecules had their gate
completely open, and the remaining 22% were in the process of switching
between these conformations and were classified as intermediates.
In the presence of an activating 1 μM concentration of 2, the abundance of open and intermediate conformations increased
to 54% (18% and 36%, respectively). In contrast, a 1 μM concentration
of 7 decreased the number of open conformers to less
than 3%. The higher concentration of 7 pushed proteasome
to open the gate in 18% of molecules, with a slightly higher contribution
of intermediates (25%). (b) Representative AFM images of the three
conformational forms of the core proteasome. The top-view images with
the α-face exposed were zoomed-in from 1 μm × 1 μm
fields. The images are raw and have been subjected only to planefitting/flattening,
linear adjustments of brightness and contrast, and linear interpolation
for viewing clarity.