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. 2019 Aug 16;56(5):1827–1854. doi: 10.1007/s13524-019-00808-z

Table 3.

Ordinary least squares regression with robust standard errors with continuous HISCAM score as dependent variable and parental death as dummy variable, males

(1) (2) (3)
Childhood Variables Orphanhood Variables Adulthood Variables
Coefficient SE Coefficient SE Coefficient SE
Orphanhood Status (ref. = no parental death)
 Parental death –0.703** 0.258 –1.022** 0.332 –0.984** 0.326
Birth Period (ref. = 1900–1922)
 1850–1879 –1.903*** 0.290 –1.901*** 0.290 –1.762*** 0.296
 1880–1899 –0.155 0.271 –0.152 0.271 –0.289 0.274
Mother’s Age at Birth (ref. = 25–35)
 <25 –0.233 0.330 –0.230 0.330 –0.246 0.325
 >35 –0.249 0.301 –0.229 0.301 –0.206 0.297
Father’s Literacy (ref. = literate)
 Illiterate –2.575*** 0.292 –2.563*** 0.293 –2.306*** 0.290
 Unknown 0.518 0.356 0.528 0.356 –0.190 0.377
Number of Older Brothers –0.365*** 0.0862 –0.367*** 0.0863 –0.357*** 0.0851
Number of Younger Brothers –0.474*** 0.0758 –0.481*** 0.0764 –0.434*** 0.0755
Number of Older Sisters –0.331*** 0.0870 –0.328*** 0.0871 –0.343*** 0.0861
Number of Younger Sisters –0.315*** 0.0783 –0.321*** 0.0779 –0.339*** 0.0769
Number of Sibling Deaths (ref. = none)
 One –0.526* 0.255 –0.542* 0.255 –0.649* 0.253
 Two or more –0.895** 0.273 –0.921*** 0.274 –1.143*** 0.273
Religion (ref. = liberal protestant)
 Catholic –0.328 0.244 –0.316 0.244 –0.526 0.282
 Orthodox protestant –0.196 0.314 –0.195 0.313 –0.0798 0.323
 Unknown/other –0.0488 0.368 –0.0496 0.369 –0.177 0.369
Father’s HISCAM Score at Birth 0.552*** 0.0198 0.552*** 0.0198 0.515*** 0.020
Presence of Stepparent (ref. = none)
 Stepparent 0.615 0.463 0.732 0.454
Presence of Female Kin (ref. = none present)
 Female kin present 0.485 0.611 0.473 0.604
Civil Status (ref. = married)
 Unmarried 0.528* 0.248
 Unknown –0.280 0.432
Provincial Migration and Place of Residence (ref. = no migration/urban)
 No migration/rural –2.211*** 0.257
 Migration/urban 1.557** 0.481
 Migration/rural 1.803** 0.623
 Unknown –1.655* 0.726
Age at Occupational Record 0.282*** 0.0364
Region of Residence No No Yes
Constant 30.41*** 1.102 30.44*** 1.101 26.39*** 1.495
Number of Observations 8,187 8,187 8,187
R 2 .2125 .2128 .2404
Adjusted R2 .2109 .2109 .2370

p < .10; *p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001