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. 2019 Aug 6;178(2):409–418. doi: 10.1007/s10549-019-05362-1

Table 2.

Numbers of preoperative biopsies of DCIS and final diagnosis following evaluation of surgically excised specimen by various characteristics

Characteristic Final diagnosis from surgically excised specimen
Total number of biopsies Number upstaged to IBC (%) p for upstage versus no change Total number of biopsies eligible for upgrading* Number upgraded to a higher grade of DCIS (%) p for upgrade versus no change p for upgrade versus upstage
Age at diagnosis (years)
 20–49 196 35(17.9) 0.43 131 21 (16.0) 0.09 0.21
 50–59 247 35 (14.2) 169 29 (17.2)
 60–69 119 17 (14.3) 78 5 (6.4)
 70 + 44 4 (9.1) 27 4 (14.8)
Method of biopsy
 9G VAC 237 26 (11.0) 0.07 171 12 (7.0) < 0.001 0.14
 14G Core-needle 127 21 (16.5) 79 18 (22.8)
 Unknown 242 44 155 29
Mammographic lesion size (mm)
 0–19 180 15 (8.3) 0.004 145 15 (10.3) 0.01 0.53
 20–50 144 27 (18.8) 77 12 (15.6)
 ≥ 50 99 19 (19.2) 63 16 (25.4)
 Unknown 183 30 120 16
Pathological lesion size (mm)
 0–19 201 14 (7.0) <0.001 151 14 (9.3) < 0.001 0.07
 20–50 181 37 (20.4) 106 26 (24.5)
 ≥ 50 107 21 (19.6) 62 16 (25.8)
 Unknown 117 19 86 3
Mammographic lesion type
 Microcalcifications only 490 68 (13.9) 0.08 327 45 (13.8) 0.33 0.87
 Other 97 20 (20.6) 65 12 (18.5)
 Unknown 19 3 13 2
Radiological BIRADS score
 ≤ 4 323 4 (12.7) 0.02 242 25(10.3) 0.03 0.54
 5 47 12 (25.5) 19 5 (26.3)
 Other 236 38 144 29
Method of presentation
 Screen-detected 324 41 (12.7) 0.35 229 34 (14.8) 0.62 0.32
 Symptomatic 74 13 (17.6) 41 4 (9.8)
 Othera 208 37 135 21
Presence of symptoms at examinationb
 Symptoms 175 35 (20.0) 0.02 99 14 (14.1) 0.86 0.12
 No symptoms 223 25 (11.2) 156 25 (16.0)
 Unknown 208 31 150 20
Presence of palpable lump
 Yes 114 24 (21.1) 0.04 64 11 (17.2) 0.31 0.81
 No 454 59 (13.0) 315 42 (13.3)
 Unknown 38 8 26 6
Presence of necrosis on preoperative biopsy
Yes 208 38 (18.3) 0.09 97 32 (33.0) < 0.001 < 0.001
No 370 52 (14.1) 285 27 (9.5)
Unknown 28 1 23 0
Preoperative biopsy gradec
 1-Low 155 16 (10.3) 0.17 155 22 (14.2) 0.66 0.46
 2-Intermediate 250 42 (16.8) 250 37 (14.8)
 3-High 191 30 (15.7)
 Unknown 10 3 0 0
Total 606 (%, 95% confidence interval) 606 91 (15.0,12.3-18.1) 405* 59 (14.6, 11.3–18.4)

DCIS ductal carcinoma in situ, IBC invasive breast cancer, BIRADS breast imaging reporting and data system, VAC vacuum assisted biopsy

*As only preoperative biopsies showing grade 1 or 2 could be upgraded to a higher grade of DCIS, preoperative biopsies showing grade 3 (n = 191) or unknown grade (n = 10) were not included in the analysis of factors associated with upgrading, but were included in the analysis of factors associated with upstaging

Unknown values were omitted from tests of association

aIncludes 143 biopsies undertaken during breast surgical follow-up, 63 undertaken for second opinion and 2 unknowns

bAny symptoms in either ipsilateral or contralateral breast

cOf the 22 low grade DCIS preoperative biopsies that were upgraded based on the surgically excised specimen 20 were upgraded to intermediate grade DCIS and 2 were upgraded to high grade DCIS