FIG. 1.
The transcriptome treemap of Staphylococcus aureus COL under MHQ stress indicates a strong upregulation of the MhqR and QsrR regulons. The transcriptome treemap shows the differential gene expression of S. aureus after exposure to 45 μM MHQ as log2-fold-changes (M-values). The genes are classified into operons and regulons based on the RegPrecise database and previous publications (44, 49, 72). Differential gene expression is visualized using a red–blue color code where red indicates log2-fold induction and blue indicates repression of transcription under MHQ stress. The quinone-stress-specific regulons MhqR and QsrR are most strongly upregulated under MHQ stress in S. aureus COL. The induction of the PerR, CsoR, Fur, HrcA, CtsR, and GraRS regulons reveals an oxidative, electrophile, metal, and cell wall stress response and protein damage in S. aureus. The RNA-seq expression data of the selected highly transcribed genes after MHQ stress and their regulon classifications are listed in Supplementary Table S2. MHQ, methylhydroquinone. Color images are available online.