Fig 4. Correlation of lipid subspecies with BFP.
Spearman correlation coefficients (ρ) and their 95% CI for each sex (male and female) and adjusted for subject age are shown for lipid subspecies. HC signifies the HexCer lipid class. Green ticks at the bottom indicate subspecies used in the model with the lowest MAE (n = 58), whereas yellow ticks indicate the model within 1 standard error from the lowest MAE (n = 45, S4 Fig). Correlations with Benjamini-Hochberg corrected p < 0.05 are shown with filled points, whereas correlations with p > 0.05 are shown with open circles and transparently. Differences between male and female correlations were compared and significant differences are indicated by an asterisk (*). A total number of 202 lipid subspecies were tested in 1,005 subjects, of those, 53.5% (108) were significantly correlated with BFP in females and 65.3% (132) in males. Some lipid subspecies of interest have been labeled. Additional correlations are shown in Fig S12 and correlation data is provided in S11 Table. BFP, body fat percentage; CI, confidence interval; MAE, mean absolute error.