A) Multiple sequence alignments of the Nudix domain of
M. smegmatis NrtR and its homologous proteins. The multiple alignment was conducted using ClustalW2 (
http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/clustalw2/index.html), and the final output was expressed through processing by the ESPript 2.2 program (
Robert and Gouet, 2014). Identical residues are in white letters with red background, similar residues are in red letters with white background, varied residues are in black letters, and dots represent gaps. GenBank accession numbers and organisms are as follows: VCA0097,
Vibrio cholerae; Tlet0901,
Thermotoga lettinagae; ACIAD0962,
Acinetobacter sp.; MSMEG_3198,
M. smegmatis; MCON0143,
Methanosatea concilli; Mthe1467,
Methanosatea themophila; DR0192,
Deinococcus radiodurans; SCO1767,
Streptomyces coelicotor; and SCO5817,
Streptomyces coelicotor. The Nudix motif signature is shown below the sequences as GX
7REUXEEXGU (U: Ile, Leu, or Val). (
B) The mutations (Q54E, K58E and D60G) present in
M. smegmatis nrtR revealed by direct DNA sequencing. The mutation of Q54E and K58E and D60G at DNA level denotes the genotype of the mutant protein. (
C) The SDS-PAGE gel of the purified NrtR and its mutant (Q54E and K58E and D60G). (
D) Schematic diagram of the hydrolyzation of ADP-ribose by ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase which belongs to the Nudix hydrolase superfamily. (
E) Identification of the reaction product upon hydrolysis of ADP-ribose by NrtR. Null, before the addition of the recombinant NrtR or its mutant; MsNrtR, after incubation with
M. smegmatis NrtR for 30 min; MsNrtR Mutant, after incubation with NrtR