Lane 10 of the SDS-PAGE of
Figure 2—figure supplement 1 is shown to the left. The densitometry scan of the SDS gel lane 10 (right) was analyzed using ImageJ and indicates 2CMGE−1Ctf4
3−1Pol α-primase. The area of the Cdc45 peak was used as a proxy for CMG stoichiometry, and the area of the Cdc45 peak divided by the Cdc45 mw was assigned a value 2.0 because molar areas of Pol1, Pol12, and Ctf4
3 were about half the molar value of Cdc45. The amount of Ctf4
3, which overlaps Mcm4, was determined in two steps. First, the area of the Mcm2-7 region was divided by the molecular weight of Mcm2-7. The difference in area was deduced to belong to Ctf4
3, and calculated based on the molecular weight of a Ctf4 trimer. Calculated values are shown under the peaks. The stoichiometry approximates to 2 Cdc45 (and thus 2 Mcm2-7), 1 Ctf4
3, 1 Pol α, and 2 Pol ε.