Table A11.
The Effect of NRPS enrollment on two comparable items of CES-D between CFPS 2010 and CFPS 2012 (Above 60-year-old)
OLS | FE | N | First Stage F- Statistic for IV |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | |
I felt depressed. | −0.121*** (0.034) (0.037) |
−0.174*** (0.051) (0.056) |
4,512 | 329.006 |
I felt hopeless. | −0.059 (0.036) |
−0.020 (0.057) |
4,478 | 326.291 |
Notes: [1] The CES-D question “I felt hopeless” in CFPS 2010 is phrased as “I felt hopeful about the future” in CFPS 2012. We therefore reversed the response scale in 2012 to match with the corresponding question in CFPS 2010. [2] The covariates are same as in Table 2. [3] ***, ** and * represent statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively. Standard errors are reported in the parentheses.