Figure 2.
The improved capture efficiencies of the surfaces immobilized with the mixtures of anti-EpCAM and E-selectin (a) and a representative image of HL-60 and DsRED-transfected MCF-7 cells (red cells) on patterned E-selectin/anti-EpCAM coated surfaces (b). (a) Based on the numbers of DsRED-MCF-7 cells injected and recovered using a flow chamber, the capture efficiency was calculated at a shear stress of 0.16 dyn/cm2. As increasing E-selectin concentration, the capture efficiency of the surfaces was further enhanced by up to 3 folds, which was statistically higher than the surface functionalized with aEpCAM alone (one-factor ANOVA, Error bars: standard error, * p < 0.05). (b) From the mixture with HL-60 (a leukocyte model: white), DsRED-transfected MCF-7 cells (a CTC model: red) on the anti-EpCAM coated region of the patterned surface with E-selectin and anti-EpCAM were efficiently isolated. (Copyright WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Ref. 27)