Figure 4. Effect of PEDF from malignant ascites on viability of SKOV3 cells.
(A) Anti-PEDF antibodies (light grey bars) or control IgG (dark grey bars) were added in culture medium of cells treated with 100 nM Ptx. FBS: fetal bovine serum. (B) Western blot analysis of PEDF in FBS and ascites (C) Western blot analysis of PEDF in ascites, PEDF-depleted ascites (A-PEDF) and purified PEDF (pPEDF). Left panel: Ponceau red staining of membrane; Right panel: PEDF immunoblotting. (D) Effect of ascites-PEDF on viability of cells treated with 100 nM Ptx (for 48h) compared to FBS-PEDF. (E) Effect of PEDF depletion from ascites on Ptx treated SKOV3-derived tumor growth. ** p < 0.01.