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. 2019 Oct 18;5(4):e154–e158. doi: 10.1055/s-0039-1697633

Table 1. Demographic features, surgical and postoperative data of the patients.

Age (y) Gender Findings Surgical procedure Type of injury b Time to diagnosis (h) Length of hospital stay (d) Complications
1 38 F Biliary peritonitis Roux-en-Y HJ E2 6 7
2 46 F Biliary fistula Primary repair D 8 3
3 52 M Biliary fistula Roux-en-Y HJ E3 24 12 Biliary fistula
4 24 F Mechanical icterus Removal of clips B 48 5
5 33 F Biliary peritonitis Suturing the fistula orifice on gallbladder bed C 24 3
6 65 F Biliary peritonitis Roux-en-Y HJ E1 12 10 SSI
7 47 F Biliary fistula Laparoscopic re-clipping the cystic duct A 36 7
8 52 M Biliary fistula Primary repair D 12 5
9 37 M Biliary fistula Primary repair D 5 3
10 55 F Biliary peritonitis Roux-en-Y HJ E2 48 11 Pneumonia
11 41 F None a Roux-en-Y HJ E1 12 5
12 53 M None a Roux-en-Y HJ E5 36 7
13 19 F Biliary peritonitis Primary repair C 24 9 Bile leak

Abbreviations: F, female; HJ, hepaticojejunostomy; M, male; SSI, surgical site infection.


Intraoperatively diagnosed and referred to our hospital without any intervention.


Strasberg’s classification system was used.